In early 50s till 80s all cinematographers of south Indian film industry have been working under south Indian union which has been established in Chennai. The capital city Hyderabad of Andhra Pradesh welcomed the Telugu film industry to encourage the local talent which also profoundly initialised the group of cinematographers about Cinematographers Association of Andhra Pradesh (CAAP).
The association will look towards its members' disputes and professional issues. The Association would also provide Cinematographers with a common platform where they could discuss their art & craft, exchange views and can generally help each other. The Cinematographers Association of Andhra Pradesh (CAAP) and other film unions were bound to the Telugu Film Industry Employees Federation (TFIEF).
After the state bifurcation of Telangana & Andhra Pradesh, With the common cultural interests and telugu being the common language of both states The Cinematographers Association of Andhra Pradesh CAAP unitedly has decided to change the association name to TCA (Telugu Cinematographers Association) which is currently holding the total strength of 400 plus members. For the benefit of the members The TCA follow its bylaws
The 15th General Body Meeting of the newly formed TCA (Telugu Cinematographers Association ) was held on OCTOBER 22 2021 at SARATHI STUDIOS . The Association is currently lead by Mr. PG VINDA as President, Mr. VASUDEAVA RAO as General Secretary and Mr. SRIKANTH as Treasurer. The members of the EC & Managing Committee of the association has been cordially elected by the office bearers.
Cinematographers Elite Club formed 28 Th November 2021 with the initiative of a group of cinematographers, an Elite club House for cinematographers being planned at Hyderabad suburban.